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Individual Counseling

One-On-One Support with Expert Grief Counselors

Grief counseling helps the individual work through the feelings associated with the loss of a loved one. At BCW Tree House, our grief counselors walk beside the grieving individual as they move through their own unique grief. Our counselors and staff also provide information about the grieving process to help individuals understand that many of the symptoms and changes they are experiencing are a normal reaction to loss.

Individual grief support can be beneficial for those experiencing normal or complicated grief or for those who feel that they prefer one on one support rather than a group setting.

A mother talks about the journey from heartbreak and isolation to healing after losing her son.

Program Registration

Registration is required before attending.

Do you need an experienced bereavement counselor to provide individual support?

For specific program or individual counseling fees please contact

Joanna DeNicola

Assistant Director of BCW Tree House
