Our Children, Our Hearts
by Emily Laitmon, LCSW, and Terri Toll
For those who have suffered the loss of a child, there is truly no such thing as healing, closure, moving on, or acceptance of their death. Instead, there is a journey to survival and finding ways to live again, perhaps even finding new joys. This journey has no road map… each must follow their own path. But there is a common pavement for this road – remembrance – which celebrates the lives of our children and our continuing love for them. This journey often starts with giving yourself permission to grieve in your own personal way regardless of what others may think or words of advice given to you in concern but often misunderstanding your needs.
Our book contains brief writings from parents and siblings traveling this road of remembrance. Our hope in sharing these words is that readers will see that the process and methods for remembrance defy definition and formulas. Through remembrance one can hold onto the warmth and love of our children forever. More information about this book is available at www.ourchildrenourhearts.com.
Table of Contents
- Dedication
- Foreword
- In Gratitude
- Introduction
- Stories of Our Children
- Reflections on Coping with Loss
- To Our Families & Friends: Comforting Us
- Credits
Journeys of Child Loss and Remembrance
by Jennifer Archer
We have broken hearts and sacred tears and holy and everlasting bonds with our children.
We have experienced the worst tragedy a parent can face and we have endured.
We have descended into depths of despair which are indescribable and we have dwelled in a valley of horror from which there seemed no escape.
And yet, here we are alive, struggling, searching, and helping each other to find meaning and hope once again.